Processing alevin-fry quantification result#

The quantification result of alevin-fry can be loaded into python by the load_fry() function. This function takes a output directory returned by alevin-fry quant command as the minimum input, and load the quantification result as an AnnData object. When processing USA mode result, it assumes that the data comes from a single-cell RNA-sequencing experiment. If one wants to process single-nucleus RNA-sequencing data or prepare the single-cell data for RNA-velocity analysis, the output_format argument should be set as snRNA or velocity correspondingly. One can also define customized output format, see the Full Usage section for detail.

load_fry() full Usage#

load alevin-fry quantification result into an AnnData object

Required Parameters#


The path to a output directory returned by alevin-fry quant command. The directory containing the alevin-fry quantification (i.e. the the quant.json file & alevin subdirectory).

Optional Parameters#

output_formatstr or dict

A string represents one of the pre-defined output formats, which are “scRNA”, “snRNA” and “velocity”. If a customized format of the returned AnnData is needed, one can pass a Dictionary. See Notes section for details.

quietbool (default: True)

True if function should be quiet.False if messages (including error messages) should be printed out.

nonzerobool (default: False)

True if cells with non-zero expression value across all genes should be filtered in each layer.False if unexpressed genes should be kept.

load_fry Notes#

The output_format argument takes either a dictionary that defines the customized format or a string that represents one of the pre-defined format of the returned AnnData object.

Each of the pre-defined formats contains a X field and some optional extra AnnData.layers obtained from the submatrices representing unspliced (U), spliced (S) and ambiguous (A) counts returned by alevin-fry.

The following formats are defined:

  • “scRNA”:

    This format is recommended for single cell RNA-sequencing experiments. It returns a X field that contains the S+A count of each gene in each cell , and an extra unspliced field that contains the U count of each gene in each cell.

  • “snRNA”, “U+S+A”, “all”:

    These formats are recommended for single nucleus RNA-sequencing experiments. Furthermore, these formats match the behaviors of Cell Ranger 7, which by default includes all intronic reads in the output gene count matrix for both single-cell and single-nucleus experiments.These formats return a X field that contains the U+S+A count of each gene in each cell without any extra layers.

  • “raw”:

    This format uses the S count matrix as the X field and put the U, S, and A counts into three separate layers, which are unspliced, spliced and ambiguous.

  • “S+A”:

    This format uses the U + S counts as the X field without any extra layers.

  • “velocity”:

    This format is the same as “scRNA”, except it contains a spliced layer, which contains the S+A counts.

A custom output format can be defined using a Dictionary specifying the desired format of the output Anndata object. If the input is not a USA mode quantification directory, this parameter is ignored and the count matrix is returned in the X field of the returned AnnData object. If the input quantification directory contains a USA mode quantification, then there are 3 sub-matrices that can be referenced in the dictionary; ‘U’, ‘S’, ‘A’ containing, respectively, unspliced, spliced and ambiguous counts. The dictionary should have entries of the form key (str) : value (list[str]). The following constraints apply : there should be one key-value pair with the key X, the resulting counts will be returned in the X field of the AnnData object. There can be an arbitrary number of other key-value pairs, but each will be returned as a layer of the resulting AnnData object. Within the key-value pairs, the key refers to the layer name that will be given to the combined count matrix upon output, and the value should be a subset of ['U', 'S', 'A'] that defines which sub-matrices should be summed. For example: {'X' : ['S', 'A'], 'unspliced' : ['U']} will result in a return AnnData object where the X field has a matrix in which each entry corresponds to the summed spliced and ambiguous counts for each gene in each cell, and there is an additional “unspliced” layer, whose counts are taken directly from the unspliced sub-matrix.


An AnnData object with X and layers corresponding to the requested output_format.